Corporate Nutrition and Wellness

people enjoying their work around a desk

Prioritising corporate nutrition and wellness is important for many reasons. It can help your employees stay healthy, reduce instances of absence and improve productivity.

Why Prioritise Corporate Nutrition and Wellness?

  • 46% of workers believe the pandemic has led to employers expecting too much from their employees.
  • Half of employees feel stressed at work and feel their sleep is disturbed thinking about work.
  • 55% of people reported reaching for unhealthy foods as a comfort when their mood is low or to manage stress.
Why priorities Corporate Nutrition and wellness? Infographic of statistics
  • 1 in 3 working age people in the UK have a health condition.
  • 131 million working days are lost to sickness absence every day in the UK

Healthy eating can reduce the risk of chronic illness such as heart disease, stroke, obesity and some cancers.

How Corporate Nutrition and Wellness Is The Solution

corporate nutrition and wellness solution infographic
infographic on nutrition
world economic forum research for corporate nutrition and wellness

World Health Organisation reports that adequate nutrition results in 20% better productivity.

Nutrition is about much more than what we eat. I help people learn why they eat by understanding how to effectively set goals, overcome obstacles, deal with uncomfortable emotions, recognise and manage stress, mindfulness techniques and much more!

These skills will transfer into the workplace to ensure efficient and effective approaches to workload with a calmer and clearer mind.

World Economic Forum Research reports employees in companies that support healthy habits are 8 x more committed and 3.5 x more creative and innovative.

Imaging the difference this could make to your business! Get in touch today.